NORMI Environmental TASC Force Program .

The Environmental TASC Force Program    

Service Provider
David Doyle
Environmental Systems, LLC
175 Seashore Drive
Jupiter, FL   33477
Inactive NORMI Member

Thank you for taking the time to complete one of our environmental surveys. By doing this, you will be joining the thousands of people who started the process toward a healthier environment by first evaluating the problems. Once perceived problems are defined, solutions can be suggested that match and resolve your specific issues. The PSP Program is the most efficient and cost-effective way to begin living in a healthier environment for you and your family.

D. Douglas Hoffman, Executive Director of NORMI

Contaminated Drywall Survey

If you suspect that your home used sheetrock imported into the US from China (commonly called "Chinese Drywall"), you will want to complete this preliminary screening survey to assess whether or not your sheetrock is contaminated. When you complete the Contaminated Drywall Survey, you will begin to get a sense of what issues you might be facing in regards to fully assessing and mitigating or remediating the problem. Developing a solution for contaminated drywall may require removing the sheetrock but it is best for you to assess the problem before considering any solution. This is a great first step in that direction.

Take The Contaminated Drywall Survey
Indoor Air Quality Survey

Indoor Air Quality Survey

When you complete the IAQ Survey, you will then sample your home for indoor air contaminants. In our experience everyone who has filled out the IAQ survey rated the air quality within their homes at less than 10. Many people believe the air in their home is making them, or members of their family, sick. We wish we could tell you that there is a magic wand out there that would make the air in your home perfect. There sure have been a lot of advertising dollars spent on trying to make people believe in magic IAQ wands, but it's just not true. The fact is homes are very complicated environments with many factors contributing to poor indoor air. If you really want to improve your indoor air you have to address all of the contributing factors, not just one. Developing a total solution to your indoor air quality problems is called a wholistic approach and that is what we are prepared to do for you.

Take The Indoor Air Quality Survey
Complete The Summary of IAQ Assessment
Power Consumption Survey

Power Consumption Survey

When you complete the Energy Consumption survey, you will begin to understand some of the basics involved in reducing energy consumption and, hopefully, lowering energy costs. Many customers are surprised at how much information is contained in the presentation booklet and how simple it is to make a big difference in power usage. Homes are very complicated and, like a living organism, need to be managed. As energy costs increase and resources decrease it is becoming more important that each one of us take the time to learn how to manage our own environments. This is a great first step in that direction.

Take The Power Consumption Survey
Complete The Summary of Energy Assessment
Water Quality Survey

Water Quality Survey

This program will educate you on many facts you may not have considered and help you understand inexpensive and reasonable solutions you can implement right away. We wish we could tell you that there is a magic wand out there that would make the tap water in your home suitable to drink without any investigation or effort on your part. That is simply not true and you probably already understand that because of the difference in water systems, each home has its own unique problems with drinking water. The fact is there are many factors contributing to poor water quality. If you really want to make the right choices to improve your drinking water, you need to understand the issues and the best treatments for YOUR water issues home. Developing a total solution to your indoor water quality problems is called a wholistic approach and we can tailor the right solutions to your specific needs and implement those solutions immediately.

Take The Water Quality Survey



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